Plan miasta Ferenge

Ferenge - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Morning at the Harrington bEstate/b 3/4

He was eager to give the go ahead - a stark contrast to the foot dragging in any agreement with the Shiar or bFerengi/b. That is your tangible proof - that I believe that an agreement between our peoples holds promise. ...
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Making Light: Notes from New Orleans 1

--#s 34 and 35 of the bFerengi/b Rules of Acquisition. #9 ::: RuTemple ::: (view all by) ::: June 24, 2006, 11:43 AM:. Greg, A photo of skewed powerline poles wouldn't skim the top of the surface of things, alas. In the lower ninth ward, there is still no b..../b What idiocy let an industrial bestate/b be built right by the depot, and had companies putting their national offices there, I'm not sure. Luckily, the explosion that trashed the offices didn't happen during office hours. b.../b
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Meskel Square: Lake Tana/The Ghion bHotel/b: My favourite/least b.../b

This "bferengi/b rate" is actually common practice in many Ethiopian bhotels/b and is always guaranteed to leave an odd taste in the mouth. There is nothing like feeling like a resourse to be exploited rather than a visitor to be welcomed. b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch
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